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Getting Into A House

October 04, 2018

Getting into a House

I’m not talking about buying or building a house. I literally mean the ways you enter a home. It is important to think about daily life when looking at a house plan. How you will come and go is just as important as what it will be like to live in the plan.

A lot of people look at a home plan and imagine what it will be like to come home from work or the grocery store. It is interesting that not everyone uses the front door as their everyday means of entering the home. Sometimes more time is spent going in and out of the back of the home. Or going in and out through the garage.

Quick Access!

One of the benefits of having a big garage is the ability to bring the groceries in and not worry about getting rained on. The Ceder Cove Creek has a great entryway from the garage to the pantry and kitchen. When bringing supplies in you have direct access to the pantry and you are just a step away from the kitchen.

Stock house plan with great access to the kitchen

Not to forget the utility room. Coming in from working in the yard, or from exercising outside, you can step right into the utility room. This is a great place to clean up a little before heading into the house. The utility room has a door which offers privacy so you can change and leave your dirty clothes directly in the washer. If you lead an active life this feature is a must.

Dual Access!

You might need more than one way to get inside from the garage. In addition to direct access to the utility room you might want more options. If you need extra storage space or the ability to park 4 cars the Stillwater house plan offers a few unique features.

a stock house plan with 2 garages

The first garage offers access directly into the utility room and then the kitchen down the hall. But the second garage offers access to the master suite bath room. This garage offers extra space for a workshop or storage. Both are enhanced by being able to access them from that side of the house.

Ultimate Access!

For the ultimate in access nothing beats an elevator. The Palmiste house plan has over 2000 square feet of storage space on the first level. The elevator delivers you right between the utility room and the kitchen on the main floor. You are also just steps away from the master suite.

a stock house plan with 3 stories and an elevator

Nothing could be more convenient than that, unless the elevator continued up to the top floor and you step out right next to that floors washer/dryer. With 3 bedrooms on the top level, it is a must to have the ability to do a load of laundry up there. But you still need to keep that area well stocked. The elevator makes it a breeze bringing supplies up from the garage area or even the main floor.

When looking at house plans remember to think of the small things. Getting into your house is something you are going to do a lot. Imagining your journey through a floor plan doing daily tasks can help you see the special features that one plan may have over another.

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